Question: What do you think about the recent news regarding the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" reboot?
Sarah: seems a little too soon but who knows?? It could be great
Question: if you had the chance to gain a superpower, what would you choose and why?
Sarah: I would want to fly so I never have to deal with airports ever again
Question: HI Sarah!!!! When are you going to come to Spain??
Sarah: I have been and loved
Question: I got accepted for an exchange in Finland next summer, but Finland has HUGE mosquitoes any tips on how to slay them?
Sarah: aero guard
Question: have you ever thought about suing a paparazzi for taking unwanted pictures of your kids? :))
Sarah: I wish that was an option
Question: Was that your real scream in the end of HUSH? When Buffy kills the Gentlemen?Sarah: I hope so
Question: What's the best advice that your mother gave you?
Sarah: believe in yourself
Question: If it was up to you, would you have ended Buffy differently? as in the story etc.
Sarah: I loved the ending. She shared the power-
Question: he's pretty great isn't he???
Sarah: can you please slip Hamish Linklater my number?
Question: what was the hardest part of working on #allmychildren ?
Sarah: the amount of dialogue. ESP because Kendall had no friends so they were always monologues
Question: This is my #Buffy collection !!! :D... Did you have some stuffs of Buffy at home??
Sarah: you know I do
Question: I don't know what to ask either but this #AskRealSMG thing is pretty awesome, you're making your fans really happy and proud
Sarah: well my fans make me happy and proud
Question: any future for Ringer? I need closure!!!
Sarah: I keep telling Nicole and Eric GRAPHIC NOVELS!!!
Question: Do you remember what it was like working with Robia LaMorte on Buffy?? (HUGE Jenny fan )
Sarah: Um yeah she was Pearl as in diamond and pearl and Prince (or is it artist formerly known as...) she was great
Question: What would you do if you could be the size of Godzilla for a day?
Sarah: avoid mirrors
Question: Me when I'm trying to think of good questions to ask @RealSMG so she will answer me
Sarah: lol
Question: How did you convince hubby @RealFPJr to join Twitter and what's the best part of having him on here?
Sarah: the best part is I finally get to know what's for dinner. But now I feel the need to compete and post my cooking
Question: Do you still admire the pure genius of @josswhedon in his writing of Buffy? I still find it therapeutic and epic to this day.
Sarah: He is truly an incredible writer
Question: It's 5 am over here and you keep us awake ! Just want a lil Nice message from u!
Sarah: go to bed!!!
Question: what is your fave band/what is on your iPod now?
Sarah: my iPod has been overtaken by the under five set- a lot of @taylorswift13 and @WICKED_Musical and shrek the musical
Question: Would you rather be allergic to chocolate or coffee for the rest of your life? And you have to answer haha
Sarah: chocolate - I could give that up
Question: Do you read all your replies u get on your tweets or are there too many?Maybe a stupid Q for those who have perspective
Sarah: I try so hard I really do.
Question: If you could play a character in a movie that already exists, who would you be? I love u!! *_* You are the best <3
Sarah: Sebastian in #cruelintentions lol
Question: My husband and I lost our Akita this year... Do you still have an Akita?
Sarah: my Akita passed away too
Question: In your car alone. Song comes on the radio. You crank it & sing loud. But only because you're alone. What's the song?
Sarah: shouldn't you be putting a child to bed right about now
Question: What project (show, episode, movie, etc.) has been the most emotional for you to film? Any favorite on-set moments? :)
Sarah: #theBody seeing #KristineSutherland just laying there was awful
Question: What career path would you have chosen if you hadn't become an actress?
Sarah: I would have been a photo journalist or maybe #DianneSawyer
Question: Do you understand that you've saved a lot of people A LOT by doing you role as Buffy?
Sarah: that is so incredibly kind thank you
Question: were there any outfits on any show where you were like, "god I wish I didn't have to wear this!"
Sarah: have you seen the early buffy eps?
Question: What are you loving about your life right now?
Sarah: Everything....well except LA traffic
Question: Is there anything you enjoy collecting?
Sarah: first edition books
Question: What was it like playing Kathryn? One of the most iconic characters of all time?
Sarah: A blast!!! Some of the most fun I've ever had
Question: is there room in your friendship group for an 18 year old homosexual from melbourne???
Sarah: there's always room
Question: Here's one you prob won't answer but I'll ask anyway: Angel or Spike?
Sarah: I get yelled at every time I do
Question: do you think you'll ever sit down with your daughter and watch Buffy?
Sarah: interesting- I don't know
Question: Will you do more often #AskRealSMG in the future?? ☺ Please say yes...
Sarah: I would like to. Would you guys want me to?
Question: I'm in Buffy FB group and we all came together because of you! Now I know people from all over the world. We love you!
Sarah: that's really cool
Question: Were you a fan of the original Buffy movie before taking on role of Buffy in the TV series?
Sarah: it gets a bad rep but I loved it. "All I want to do, is graduate hs, go to Europe marry Christian Slater and die"
Question: If you could revive a past role, movie or tv, that you did, what would it be xxxx
Sarah: wouldn't mind knowing where Kathryn is now
Question: Do u still have a Berner? If so, how old is she?
Sarah: I do Bella is one and a half
Question: I just wanna know what it was like working with Dwayne, the kiss is Southland Tales...do you miss him?
Sarah: There's another person I would love to work with again. He's the BEST.
Question: Is it a coincidence that you have a dog named Bella and @David_Boreanaz has a dog called Rocky?
Sarah: great minds......
Question: did someone tell you that your beauty is incredible ? Whatcha think about that pic ?
Sarah: I think I used to be a lot younger
Question: can you please tell @RealFPJr thanks for being so kind and talking to me for so long while I was stuck in the hospital?
Sarah: you got it
Question: how many times a day to you brush your hair?
Sarah: ha I'm lucky if I remember once in the am when I get up
Question: Is there any current show you'd like to guest on?
Sarah: house hunters international
Question: Favorite pizza topping?
Sarah: mushrooms
Question: what's your current fave show to watch w hubby?
Sarah: @AmazingRace_CBS
Question: what's your current fave show to watch w hubby?
Sarah: but very excited for #TheComeback
Question: Did @RealFPJr really give you a black eye while he was asleep? #AskRealSMG that must have hurt
Sarah: - true story
Question: Sarah how was it filming Veronika Decides To Die? And having to experience such a severe depression
Sarah: severe depression is a very real and very serious disease. It needs all the awareness it can get
Question: did you get to keep kathryn's famous necklace in cruel intentions?
Sarah: No I didn't . Makes you wonder a bit where it is
Question: what's your favorite first edition that you've collected? I've got a first edition of Peter Pan!
Sarah: l love that one!! My dr Seuss collection
Question: can you change a car tire?
Sarah: I'm from Manhattan- that is a no
Question: What was your favourite Buffy outfit? @RealSMG #AskRealSMG Mine was the amazing one you wore while staking Dracula.
Sarah: good memory. Prob anytime I was in sweats :)
Question: did you ever have a crush on Angel(David Boreanaz ) I do. Big time. #AskRealSMG
Sarah: on Angel or David?
Question: How did you get into the role of Trista in The Air I Breathe and having to experience the dark side of fame?
Sarah: That was such a great experience. I think that's something most actors understand ESP in this current culture
Question: do you like the walking dead
Sarah: yes ESP
Question: what do you miss most about living in NYC?
Sarah: walking
Question: I'm writing "She's All That 2", catching up with @RealFPJr in his 30s when he reunites with Cafeteria Girl. You in?
Sarah: ha I would have to read first
Question: What's your favourite alcoholic beverage?
Sarah: sake
Question: what's your favourite time of year??
Sarah: def thanksgiving
Question: Did you and @alydenisof really flirt with the firemen when they were at the Buffy set in the early Buffy day?
Sarah: you know it
Question: Any trips with the family coming up? May I suggest the island I was born in
Puerto Rico!! ^_^
Sarah: a great place
Question: What is your favorite disney princess? ^ _ ^ Do you like to play any of them?
Sarah: I'm getting good at playing all of them
Question: there's been some nasty rumors that u don't want anything 2 do w Ringer anytime. Prove them wrong? Please
Sarah: that's the silliest thing I've ever heard
Question: my favourite was the overalls and black shirt when she left Sunnydale. I rocked that look for a while
Sarah: didn't we all
Question: Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?
Sarah: bungee yes sky diving no
Question: What is your favorite fruit?
Sarah: mango and passion fruit
Question: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Sarah: @ActuallyNPH I mean there's nothing he can't do
Question: how old will the kids have to be before they're allowed to watch cruel intentions? :) such a great performance tho!
Sarah: OLD!!!
Question: any guest VO on #StarWarsRebels in the future? Would u consider it?
Sarah: I would love to....who do I need to sleep with to get that job
Question: do you like Inn N out burgers?
Sarah: I'm human
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